Adjustable Walls Meet Changes.Quality Doors Avoid High Maintenance.
Unfortunately, high door maintenance on horse barns can be time consuming, aggravating, and expensive over the life of a barn. Imperial doors utilize the finest available materials in order to assure that they continue to function with minimal repair. The key to the performance of Imperial doors is that we utilize the highest quality hardware capable of withstanding the intended use. This is because our barn designs are superior to pole barns. Examples of Imperial’s quality include the fact that we use only welded door guides to minimize catch points that can injure your horse. And, all Imperial sliding doors utilize our unique Cannon-Ball™ roller system that allows doors to glide open and stay quieter and cleaner.
Imperial horse barn designs provide an almost endless number of entry door options.
Imperial Design Consultants can assist you in selecting the best doors to meet your needs.
More Barn Options

The Imperial team has over 30 years experience in designing and manufacturing stall systems.

Imperial has the broadest offering of divider walls in the industry.

The key to the performance of Imperial doors is that we utilize the highest quality hardware capable of withstanding the intended use.

Imperial stall windows incorporate grill work manufactured with heavier and larger diameter tubing.

With Imperial, “From Concept to Completion” means we stay committed to your satisfaction all the way down to the final finishing touches.

Imperial offers a variety of accessories to enhance the functionality, comfort and beauty of your structure.