Skylights improve lighting and conserve utilities.
Good lighting in your barn makes everything more pleasant. Better barn lighting makes it easier to work and can reduce flies. The more you use natural light, the lower your electric bills.
Windows and skylights are a great way to add natural light, but use care with placement. For example, you want to avoid subjecting horses to direct sunlight in hot weather regions. FCP’s Design Consultants can review and suggest a variety of options.
In architecture, a cupola consists of a dome-shaped or quadrilateral-shaped ornamental structure located on top of a larger roof or dome, historically often used as a lookout…Read More
Drop Ceilings
Drop ceilings are a beautiful and functional addition to tack, feed, or office space in your barn. A variety of materials and approaches can be used…Read More
Overhangs & Porches
Overhangs and porches are a great way to add usable barn space and increase the comfort for both your animals and you…Read More
Good lighting in your barn makes everything more pleasant. Better barn lighting makes it easier to work and can reduce flies…Read More
Quick Loft™
Imperial’s Quick Loft™ uses your vertical space to create cost-effective additional storage area…Read More
Wall Colors
Colors are approximate, subject to availability and may change without notice…Read More
Roof Colors
Roof colors are approximate, subject to availability and may change without notice…Read More
Roof Pitches
Used to describe the angle or “slope” of the roof, roof pitch can impact both the form and function of your barn…Read More